The Development of the Kratom Market between the USA and Europe
Kratom, a herbal plant originating from Southeast Asia countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, has been consumed and extensively researched for its scientific and comprehensive benefits. Kratom is highly sought after both within its native countries and abroad. Its largest market is in America, where a strong emphasis on scientific research leads people to consume kratom en masse. It is claimed to be an effective pain reliever and even reduce addiction to narcotics.
In recent years, Europe, with a population reaching 747,636,026 individuals in 2020, has also started to take notice of the plant with the Latin name Mitragyna speciosa Korth. The movement of the kratom market in Europe has been significant, at least for the past 5 years since this article was written.
So, what are the differences in the market between the USA and Europe in recent years? As a company that highly values the kratom plant, we have long been concerned about the kratom market in the USA, as kratom there has become as common as a vegetable with little value. But why are we concerned? We will explore the facts that will astonish you!
In the USA, for at least the past 7 years, there has been an enormous demand for kratom, with companies ordering several containers in a single request. This has led to a decrease in prices, resulting in lower quality or even contaminated products that haven’t undergone proper qualification processes. This is deeply concerning! A herbal plant that should have been a solution for a healthy life has turned into a threat to health due to its compromised quality or contaminated products.
Magictree strongly dislikes engaging in typical business practices like that. We will not sell kratom at very low prices that could worsen kratom’s image in the eyes of the world of health. We vehemently oppose such business practices, but unfortunately, we can’t do much except to not participate in such practices.
We will continue to strive to provide the best quality kratom, as we can monitor the entire process from nurturing the seedlings to producing the powder that we are ready to export to all corners of the world.