Why Are Kratom Capsules More Expensive?

Although kratom capsules are not the most expensive kratom product on the market, they are more costly than regular kratom powder. Most vendors use the same kratom powder to make kratom capsules, these can be up to 30-50% more expensive. But how is this possible?
The majority of vendors don’t have the ability to capsulate their own kratom capsules, so they need to hire a company that does it for them. And this is not always the easiest thing. As you know, kratom is a controversial plant, so not every company is willing to take this job. For this reason, there are not too many encapsulating Companies to choose from so the few ones that do it are charging high fees to do it.
There are various reasons why people prefer to pay more for kratom capsules:
They are easier to use. Using kratom capsules is as simple as swallowing the capsule. Usually, they contain a proper dose for most users, so you don’t need to measure the powder.
You won’t feel the strong flavor of kratom powder. Some individuals just can’t handle kratom’s taste, no matter what they mix it with, it’s too much for them. If you are one of these people, you will probably prefer to pay the price difference.
You can carry kratom capsules everywhere, this is very convenient, especially if you want to use them in a public place without having to give explanations.

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