Monthly Archives: January 2021

Kratom & Natural Balance

Kratom has been known for a long time among the people of Kapuas Hulu district, West Kalimantan province. Before kratom was very popular, as in recent years, in Kapuas Hulu district, kratom plants had been used for a long time. Not only is it beneficial for the body who consumes kratom, but kratom also has […]

the economic benefits of the kratom plant for the Kapuas upstream community

Demand for kratom exports abroad continues to increase so that cultivation is still wide open. On another aspect, the price of rubber is decreasing day by day so that the income of farmers is decreasing, not even enough to support their daily needs. Conditions like this have triggered people who work as farmers in the […]

MagicTree King Luther Day Special Offer

happy King Martin Luther Day to celebrate King Martin days,magic tree will give you special offers FREE 500gram magictree kratom All variant and Free official shirt of magictree every purchase of 2 kilos i have a dream 🙂 dont miss it only at 18 January until 25 January 2021 dont forget leveling up your life […]


The cultivation, processing, trading and consumption of kratom are legal activities. Kratom is not a plant that is included in the narcotics category, so there are no laws and regulations that are violated against levies or levies on this commodity. Kratom or purik leaves (Mitragyna speciosa) is a tropical plant that is widely grown in […]

Six kratom facts that you must know!

The consumption of kratom has been increasing lately, the more people who question this plant result in many people questioning what the facts of kratom are. There are at least 6 facts about kratom that we summarized at the beginning of 2021 : Some of the benefits of kratom are pain relief, relaxation, improving sleep […]

Kratom effect can prevent covid 19?

kratom as a deterrent from corona virus, is it possible? Kratom (mitragyna Speciosa) is a native plant from the land of West Kalimantan. Kratom or more familiarly known as “purik” by the people of Putussibau district, West Kalimantan Province in 2020 through the Ministry of Agriculture Decree No. 104 which established kratom plants as medicinal […]

Increase your sleep Quality with Kratom

There are a variety of synthetic medications to help you get better quality sleep. However, they have side effects such as constipation, stomach pain, migraines, nausea, or changes in appetite. This is why more and more people are turning to natural remedies. Kratom, a great unknown in Europe until recently, is a tropical plant that […]

Two ways to harvest kratom in Putussibau sub-district, Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan.

North Putussibau is a sub-district in Kapuas Hulu Regency which plays an important role as a supplier of kratom that is traded internationally. Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a group of woody plants belonging to the coffee family, and is widespread in Southeast Asia (USDA, 2013). The people of North Putussibau Subdistrict are classified as traditional […]

Kratom doesn’t thrive? there are 3 causes

The rise of kratom consumption abroad has made many farmers, especially in Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan district, switch their livelihoods to become kratom farmers. Many of them who initially worked as rubber planters have now turned to kratom farmers. Kratom is classified as a plant that is easy to grow in the Kapuas upstream area, […]