Monthly Archives: October 2020

The best quality kratom only grows in West Kalimantan

The best kratom in the world in the eyes of kratom lovers is in Indonesia, especially on the island of West Kalimantan, Kapuas Hulu district. Why Indonesia kratom? Kratom grows in Southeast Asia including Indonesia, the best kratom is kratom which grows on the land of West Kalimantan, kratom from West Kalimantan has very high […]

Halloween Special offers

happy hallowen to celebrate halloween days,magic tree will give you special offers FREE 500gram magictree kratom All variant and Free official shirt of magictree every purchase of 2 kilos TRICK or TREAT 🙂 dont miss it only at 28oct until 2nov 2020 dont forget leveling up your life with magictree

University of Florida study Kratom effects

AMAZING !! Two professors from the University of Florida reveal their scientific reports on kratom Here we describe some interesting facts about kratom from a pharmaceutical point of view. The quotes below are important information about kratom. Presented by two professors from the University of Florida, they are both ; Chris McCurdy, Ph.D., a professor […]

Kratom as a solution to opioid use disorders

Opioids are painkillers that work with opioid receptors in the cells of the body. This drug is made from poppy plants such as morphine (Kadian, Ms Contin) or synthesized in laboratories such as fentanyl (Actiq, Duragesic). When opioids enter and flow in the blood, this one drug will attach to opioid receptors in the cells […]

Research on Kratom

Many countries in the world today are questioning the use of kratom in their respective countries, there are many accusations about kratom that we often encounter in various literatures. But behind all the oblique news regarding the current kratom regulation in several countries, Indonesia, which is the largest kratom exporting country in the world through […]

Benefits of Kratom That You Must Know

Kratom is an herbal plant originating from Southeast Asia which is known by many people to have health benefits, but recently kratom has been accused of being a plant that entered marijuana or so on. Sometimes we have to dig up more information about the benefits of this kratom plant, so that we don’t get […]

Use of kratom in rural communities

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Kratom or ketum or Mitragynaspeciosa Korth is a tropical plant from the Rubiaceae family originating from Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, the Philippines) and Papua New Guinea. In Indonesia, this plant grows a lot in Kalimantan. Kratom (Mitragynaspeciosa K) has another name, namely puric, ketum, ithang, kakuan, thom or multiplication, this plant was […]

Best Service is our priority

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Magictree as the best kratom provider company uses selected kratom to produce high quality kratom powder. With processing that is monitored and has good work standards, we guarantee the best product quality aside from that, Magictree also wraps high quality kratom in sterile packaging which is certainly safe for food, and can also make the […]

Kratom & MagicTree Company

GET TO KNOW MORE ABOUT KRATOM AND MAGICTREE COMPANY Hello guys, on this chance we will introduce to all of you through this simple paper, about who we are, what we offer, and several other things related to our background “Magictree”. We, “Magictree” are a corporation that deals in the field of herbal products, some […]